Stuttering and Fluency Disorders

The precise cause of stuttering is not known but most experts agree that it is likely caused by a combination of factors including genetic factors, developmental factors, and environmental factors. We do know that stuttering is not caused by emotional problems and it is not a “nervous” disorder. We also know that stuttering is not the fault of the family or the person who stutters.

It is not uncommon for children between the ages of 2½ and 4 to present with typical disfluencies (e.g, whole word repetitions, easy, part-word repetitions). These typical disfluencies may come and go and are usually a sign that the child is learning to use language in new ways. Most children who demonstrate disfluencies prior to the age of 4 will recover without intervention. Children who begin to stutter after the age of 4 are at greater risk for persistent developmental stuttering.

Risk factors for persistent developmental stuttering:

  • Family history of stuttering
  • Child is male
  • Stuttering has continued for 6 months or longer
  • Stuttering types and severity change over time
  • Presence of other speech or language disorders

Early intervention is the most effective way to help children and families when there is concern about stuttering. It is therefore important for parents and pediatricians to seek an evaluation by a qualified speech-language pathologist as soon as there are concerns about a child’s stuttering. School-age children, adolescents, and adults can also benefit from treatment.

Suggestions for helping your child through periods of developmental stuttering:

  • Wait patiently for your child to finish what they want to say
  • Don’t finish your child’s sentences
  • Avoid telling your child to “slow down” or “relax”
  • Model a relaxed manner of speaking for your child
  • When possible, ensure your child knows they have your full attention when speaking
  • Focus on “what” your child is saying and not “how” they are saying it
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Parent Testimonials
As a parent of a child with autism, I've always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists worked tirelessly to help him develop the skills to start creating friendships. We are thankful for the life skills they helped him develop.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
As a parent of a child with autism, I’ve always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists 
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP

Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son!

Very Happy - Thank you!!
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son! Very Happy – Thank you!!
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
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