Typical Gross Motor Development Milestones for Children Ages Birth to 6 Years Old

This list is the average age a child should meet these milestones, some may hit them before or others later. If you feel like your child is significantly behind in their fine motor development, please contact Summit Pediatric Therapy to see how we can help. This list is not meant to be used to diagnose, simply as information to keep in mind.

Birth to 6 Months Old

  • Rolls over front to back and back to front
  • Sits with support and then independently

6 to 12 Months Old

  • Crawls forwards on belly
  • Assumes a seated position unaided
  • Creeps on hands and knees
  • Transitions into different positions: sitting, all fours, lying on tummy
  • Pulls self to stand
  • Walks while holding onto furniture
  • Takes 2-3 steps without support
  • Rolls a ball in imitation of an adult

12 to 18 Months Old

  • Sits, crawls, walks
  • Still has wide gait but walking/running is less clumsy
  • Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it)

18 Months to 2 Years Old

  • Walks smoothly and turns corners
  • Begins running
  • Is able to pull or carry a toy while walking
  • Climbs onto/down from furniture without assistance
  • Walks up and down steps with support
  • Picks up toys from the floor without falling over

12 to 18 Months Old

  • Can build a tower of 2 blocks high
  • Claps hands together (beginning of bilateral coordination!)
  • Waves goodbye
  • Can scoop objects with a spoon or small shovel
  • Bangs objects together using both hands (beginning of bilateral coordination!)
  • Puts small objects into a container
  • Scribbles with crayons on paper

18 Months to 2 Years Old

  • Putting rings on pegs
  • Begins holding a crayon with fingertips and thumb
  • Removing pegs from a pegboard
  • Marks or scribbles with a crayon or pencil
  • Can build a tower 3-4 blocks high
  • Can open loosely wrapped packages or containers
  • Begins to start cutting paper with scissors (closer to 2 years old)
  • Can turn pages in a book one page at a time

2 Years Old

  • Imitates standing on one foot
  • Imitates simple bilateral movements of limbs (e.g. arms up together)
  • Climbs jungle gym and ladders
  • Pedals a tricycle
  • Walks up/down stairs alternating feet
  • Jumps in place with two feet together
  • Able to walk on tip toes
  • Catches using body

3 Years Old

  • Can draw a circle after being shown model
  • Cuts a piece of paper in half
  • Copies prewriting lines of vertical, horizontal, and circle shapes
  • Laces a card
  • Can unbutton large buttons
  • Can cut along a wide line with 1/2″ accuracy
  • Will string 1/2-inch beads
  • Cuts along a line with no more than 1/8-1/4-inch deviation from the line
  • Sorts objects
  • Will fasten and unfasten large buttons

4 Years Old

  • Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds
  • Kicks a ball forward
  • Throws a ball overarm
  • Catches a ball that has been bounced
  • Runs around obstacles
  • Able to walk on a line
  • Able to hop on one foot
  • Jumps over an object and lands with both feet together

5 Years Old

  • Able to walk upstairs while holding an object
  • Walks backward toe-heel
  • Jumps forward 10 times without falling
  • Skips forwards after demonstration
  • Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds
  • Steps forward with leg on same side as throwing arm when throwing a ball
  • Catches a small ball using hands only

6 Years Old

  • Runs lightly on toes
  • Able to walk on a balance beam
  • Able to skip using a skipping rope
  • Can cover 2 meters when hopping
  • Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns
  • Mature (refined) jumping skills
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Parent Testimonials
As a parent of a child with autism, I've always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists worked tirelessly to help him develop the skills to start creating friendships. We are thankful for the life skills they helped him develop.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
As a parent of a child with autism, I’ve always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists 
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP

Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son!

Very Happy - Thank you!!
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son! Very Happy – Thank you!!
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
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