Pragmatic Language Disorder

Pragmatics are the rules that govern the use of language in various social situations (i.e., the social skills of language). Pragmatics includes: the ability to use language for a variety of reasons, including greetings and requesting; the ability to change language to meet the needs of the situation or listener (e.g., talking differently to different people, knowing how to use appropriate detail, etc.); and following conversational rules (e.g., appropriate turn-taking, topic maintenance, use of gestures and body language, etc.) These rules may vary depending upon cultural norms.

What are some symptoms of a pragmatic language disorder?

Symptoms  of a pragmatic language disorder include: Difficulty with conversational exchanges, difficulty telling a story, difficulty responding to indirect requests (e.g., “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a toy?” as opposed to “Get me a toy,” as a form of politeness), difficulty with topic initiation, difficulty with conversational repair strategies (e.g., asking “What did you say?” or “Can you explain?”), and demonstrating little variety in language use.

Why is it crucial that my child develop good language skills?

Pragmatic skills are important for social, educational, and career success. A pragmatic language disorder may negatively influence social relationships and social acceptance by others.

How might I help treat my child’s pragmatic language disorder?

Treatment for a pragmatic language disorder involves teaching appropriate strategies for social awareness. Therapy can focus on using language for different purposes, changing language based on a given audience, and practicing conversation/storytelling.

Why is getting therapy early in life, so important? In the July 2010 issue of Pediatrics, they presented the results of a 29-year study of the impact on children with speech delays. The results showed children with speech delays were at a greater risk for developing social, emotional, or behavioral problems as adults. The researchers used standardized test to measure receptive language skills among almost 7,000 children at age 5. Overall, children who showed signs of delays in receptive language skills at age 5 were more likely to experience mental health problems at the age 34 than children who did not experience such delays. These findings were more pronounced among men than women.
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Parent Testimonials
As a parent of a child with autism, I've always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists worked tirelessly to help him develop the skills to start creating friendships. We are thankful for the life skills they helped him develop.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
As a parent of a child with autism, I’ve always wanted him to be able to create meaningful friendships with kids his age. From the first time my son walked into Summit Pediatric Therapy, he was made to feel warm and welcome. His pediatric therapists 
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP

Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
This letter was provided to Speech-Language Pathologist, Tara Lujan, MA, CCC-SLP
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Alex Bresler, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing. Lauren loves her and she has been so patient with her and really worked hard to build a positive relationship.
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son!

Very Happy - Thank you!!
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Maggie Henrksen, MA, CCC-SLP is amazing and extremely professional and proactive. My son loves going to talk with each week. Both the school and I have seen great progress with my son! Very Happy – Thank you!!
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
“Provider of Pediatric Speech, Occupational, Physical & Feeding Therapy to patients throughout Aurora, Centennial, Denver & Littleton”
Claire Beynon-Powell, MS, CCC-SLP is great with my 13 year old. She respects him and never talks down to him.
Summit Pediatric Therapy
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